Welcome From Mama Bee

Thanks for dropping by The Hive!

We work to weave our homeschool days around our faith, our subtropical climate, and our coastal landscape.

Hopefully this will provide a small spot for our family and friends to follow along with our traveling, gardening, and homeschooling adventures!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting Settled in the New Hive

Well Dear Readers, it has been a long hot summer, but we are finally settled in our new hive. Have a look:

And here is the fabulous deck on which we plan to while away the afternoons...um...when the weather cools down below the 90s!

We're still unpacking and sorting and figuring out how we're going to 'live' here, but that is all 'details'! Our neighbor Hives are very lovely and friendly, and we think that we've picked a good spot.

For those who live here in the Southern regions with us...hope Autumn comes soon!

Mama Bee

Win a Vita Mix: For the Grand Finale…

For the Grand Finale…

For anyone feeling lucky this week...go check this give away for a Vita Mix!

Good Luck!

Mama Bee

Monday, June 22, 2009

Living in Limbo Land

Wow! I just noticed that my last post was in March!

Well, dear readers, the situation has changed alot, and in some ways, not at all!

We ultimately decided to buy a house instead of an RV; however, we're still living in the hotel while we conclude the negotiations on our El Paso house. The Worker Bees and I have carved out something of a routine during the course of our extended hotel stay, and Papa Bee has been buzzing all over the state on business related activity.

We're spending a ton of time at the beach, and I've been teaching the Worker Bees to body surf. I just discovered that there is a Summer Surf Camp, and that looks mighty tempting to Mama Bee who is tired of tending to her temporary hive in the hotel.

We're still without a camera, so unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to post of our beach adventures.

Hope that everyone is having a delightful summer!

Mama Bee

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Blog: One Stroke At A Time

My Aunt Ann has started a new blog to showcase her painting! Whoo-Hoo!

Stop by and check it out if you get a chance!

Other news is that we are smack in the middle of moving. You know, that chaotic period of trying to buy a house in one city while selling a house in another!

And...I may have big news to report! If negotiations go sour on the house on which we're bidding (oops...should I have said 'hive'??), we are considering buying an RV and living in it until we find the perfect house. Or even, having the perfect house built while we live in the RV.

I'll keep ya posted!

Mama Bee

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bees Are Buzzing to the Beach!

Well Dear Readers, it is finally official...we're moving to the beach!

Papa Bee received a big, ol' promotion and we'll get the moving papers Very Soon now.

I'm glad. The desert climate hasn't been at all kind to me, and the air pollution here is crazy; additionally, I get altitude sickness and can't wait to get back to sea-level!

I may be in and out of the Hive while we get ready for this big move...15 hours away! But, I'll try to post some more photos of what the worker bees are doing!

Happy New Year to All!

Mama Bee