Welcome From Mama Bee

Thanks for dropping by The Hive!

We work to weave our homeschool days around our faith, our subtropical climate, and our coastal landscape.

Hopefully this will provide a small spot for our family and friends to follow along with our traveling, gardening, and homeschooling adventures!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bees Are Buzzing to the Beach!

Well Dear Readers, it is finally official...we're moving to the beach!

Papa Bee received a big, ol' promotion and we'll get the moving papers Very Soon now.

I'm glad. The desert climate hasn't been at all kind to me, and the air pollution here is crazy; additionally, I get altitude sickness and can't wait to get back to sea-level!

I may be in and out of the Hive while we get ready for this big move...15 hours away! But, I'll try to post some more photos of what the worker bees are doing!

Happy New Year to All!

Mama Bee

1 comment:

MamaWestWind said...

Congrats! How awesome for you and your family! Where are you moving to?

I was going to ask you for the number of that gal here in town that was interested in Waldorf. I've been looking for that email but can't find it.

Anyway, if you still have it. beccathorn7@gmail.com

Thanks! And congrats again! The beach sounds awesome right now!