Welcome From Mama Bee

Thanks for dropping by The Hive!

We work to weave our homeschool days around our faith, our subtropical climate, and our coastal landscape.

Hopefully this will provide a small spot for our family and friends to follow along with our traveling, gardening, and homeschooling adventures!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

November Geography Block: Capulin Volcano

Whoops! I let November slide by without a post!

Well, Dear Readers, we were busy, busy, buzzing around the state of New Mexico for our Waldorf-Inspired Geography Block. You see, in Waldorf Education, it is recommended to do a local/regional geography block in fourth grade. And, lo and behold (!), we have a fourth grader in the house. Really and truly...it doesn't seem possible that my sweet curly-headed toddler is running around with stinky feet and eating everything in sight! I have been jokingly been saying that we must have a plague of locusts in the house the way the food disappears!

Okay...back to geography! We've taken several road trips through the area, so I wanted to have a specific focus. We picked volcanoes. We drove seven hours up to Capulin to see the National Volcano Monument. If you are into Volcanoes, this is SO worth the trip!

Here is the Capulin Volcano seen from the road.

The Worker Bees were SO impressed that there was snow at the top!

Here is the view from the top, I'm...um...a bit slower than the Worker Bees moving down the trail!

Here is Papa Bee with Horsie-Girl and Sprocket at the bottom.

And, here is the view from the bottom of the Worker Bees running back to the top!

After we all made it back up to the top, we walked the 'rim trail', and then we headed off for lunch!

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