Welcome From Mama Bee

Thanks for dropping by The Hive!

We work to weave our homeschool days around our faith, our subtropical climate, and our coastal landscape.

Hopefully this will provide a small spot for our family and friends to follow along with our traveling, gardening, and homeschooling adventures!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

November Geography Block: Lava Flows

After we left the Capulin Volcano, we drove several hours on the Santa Fe Trail towards Taos.

This is pretty exotic stuff for desert kids who never get to see trees!

We went south from Taos down to the lava flows at El Malpais. It snowed that day, and the irony of ogling lava flows in the snow was not lost on the Worker Bees! I was amazed at how the flows could be clearly distinguished from the grass-lands.

We also saw some pretty amazing scenery.

Papa Bee took the Worker Bees hiking up the trail, I'm afraid Dear Readers, that my knees have determined that my serious hiking days are over...Big Sigh!

However, even my old knees could hike along the easy trail to get rewarded by this awesome view of the Natural Arch.

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